«©NCSX» The Nintendo Prize Collection versions of the Mario Sofubi Figures are smaller versions of their DX Sofubi brethren. The latest set features five figures which have posable arms (when applicable) as follows:
» Mario - Same old design from the very first Sofubi set
» Green Yoshi - Wears brown boots as if to mimic Mario's footwear
» Yellow Yoshi - Green boots on a yellow beast don't really match
» Wario - The width of Wario is thrice that of Mario
» Goomba - Identical to the Goomba in the second Mario Sofubi set
Note that the Mario, Green Yoshi, and Goomba figures are the same exact figures from previous NPC Sofubi Figure sets but the Yellow Yoshi and Wario are brand new. Preorders have shipped as of yesterday and new orders are welcome to ship this afternoon. «NCS Photo Gallery»