Saturday, March 01, 2025

 AI Animementos


 TRC Union Arena Starter Deck One Punch Man [March 3, 2025] $26.98

Product Synopsis

Update: February 28, 2025
Arrival Date: March 3, 2025 
Union Arena Starter Deck One Punch Man
ユニオンアリーナスタートデッキワンパンマン UA35ST

Product Description
(C) ONE / Yusuke Murata / Shueisha / Hero Association Headquarters
Total of 19 types + 1 AP
Start Deck: 19 types (50 sheets), Promo R Pack: 4 types (4 cards), Action Point Cards: 1 type (3 cards)
1 Set: 50 pre-constructed decks, 3 AP cards, 1 play sheet, 1 promotional R pack
This product contains a parallel card

■ Japanese

Product Contents
■ Union Arena Starter Deck One Punch Man

   Orders are welcome to ship on March 3, 2025.

Product Specifications
Manufacturer: Bandai
English Title: Union Arena Starter Deck One Punch Man
Japanese Title: ユニオンアリーナスタートデッキワンパンマン UA35ST
JAN Code: 4582769734526
Region/Language: Japan/Japanese
Internal Memo:
2025/02/28(木)発売新作 予約特典付

 NSW Utawareru Mono Trilogy Set [March 3, 2025] $129.98

Product Synopsis

Update: February 27, 2025
Arrival Date: March 3, 2025 
Utawareru Mono Trilogy Set

Product Description
One of the iconic AquaPlus titles and many fans, the "Utararumon" series trilogy is now released on Nintendo Switch. The "Utamarumono Trilogy Set for Nintendo Switch" was released on January 30, 2025 (Tree), and each title of the trilogy "Utamaru Throw" (Tree) on March 27, 2025, "Utaharu no Imitation Mask", "Utaharu no Waku no Waku no Shi" and 2 The Emperor is sold separately. Will be launched.

   The Utarararamo series is an attractive piece of art that features a unique Japanese style world view and a spectacular story created by characters. This series has passed over 1.2 million sold worldwide and has gained a wide range of popularity in media mixes such as TV animations, OVA, comicalization, etc. Currently, the smartphone app "Utamarumono Lost Flag" is popular and released.

This "Utararumono Trilogy Set for Nintendo Switch" comes with a limited bonus acrylic panel and is also a great value for money.

■ Introducing the Nintendo Switch from the Utarumono series
■ One of the iconic AquaPlus titles and many fans, the "Utararumon" series trilogy is now released on Nintendo Switch
■ The "Utamarumono Trilogy Set for Nintendo Switch" was released on January 30, 2025 (Tree), and each title of the trilogy "Utamaru Throw" (Tree) on March 27, 2025, "Utaharu no Imitation Mask", "Utaharu no Waku no Waku no Shi" and 2 The Emperor is sold separately. Will be launched
■ The Utarararamo series is an attractive piece of art that features a unique Japanese style world view and a spectacular story created by characters. This series has passed over 1.2 million sold worldwide and has gained a wide range of popularity in media mixes such as TV animations, OVA, comicalization, etc. Currently, the smartphone app "Utamarumono Lost Flag" is popular and released
■ This "Utararumono Trilogy Set for Nintendo Switch" comes with a limited bonus acrylic panel and is also a great value for money

■ Japanese

Product Contents
■ Utawareru Mono Trilogy Set game card
■ Acrylic panel

   Orders are welcome to ship on March 3, 2025.

Product Specifications
Manufacturer: Aquaplus
English Title: Utawareru Mono Trilogy Set
Japanese Title: ウタワレルモノトリロジーセットフォーニンテンドースイッチ
JAN Code: 4996802250193 / APAQ-12107
Region/Language: Japan/Japanese
Internal Memo:
2025/02/28(木)発売新作 予約特典付