NCS Preorder Synopsis
«©NCSX» The original set of MGS4 Ration Sound Keychains from earlier this year enjoyed stellar sales and sold out a few days after our allotment arrived from Japan. We tried to restock the toys but our persistent efforts were met with silence and in the case of one vendor, outright annoyance and a retort of "cease and desist." At the very least, we tried.
System Service has started preorders for a second series of MGS4 Ration Sound Keychains which feature another set of six toys that emit sounds and phrases from the Metal Gear Solid 4 game. The character voices captured are: "Old Snake A," "Old Snake B," "Otacon," "Raiden," and "Liquid Ocelot." We were hoping for a Ration Sound Keychain that blares out Old Snake's "cough-hack-cough" sound effect but maybe next time. To listen to any of the sound effects, users simply press the button on the front of each keychain. Preorders are welcome to ship in mid-late December 2009.