«©NCSX» The road to the Twinstick EX was uncertain at times and delayed once but it's finally here and the hardware is impressive. Hori's labor of love is an imposing controller that we were almost afraid to manhandle this morning lest fingerprints muck up its brand new glossy finish. We haven't had a chance to put the Twinstick through a thorough workout yet but the feel is arcade quality with two sturdy Sanwa JLJ-PL2-8V sticks, a heavy base, and solid construction. As an added bonus, the Twinstick is non-creaky for the most part although we did hear a squeak of excitement when lifting one of our own units out of its cardboard shipping carton.
Clarification: We weighed the Twinstick in the shipping container and they're only 12.40 lbs each but UPS charged us a 27 lb dimensional overnight shipping rate due to the size of each container. The Twinstick is packed in a Horistore cardboard box but we're packaging that into a larger cardboard box for an added measure of protection.
Preorders are shipping today. Due to the volume of transactions we'll be processing and packing this afternoon, NCS cannot accept shipping changes as of this morning. It wouldn't be feasible to ship by an air service in any case since the domestic shipping cost would be prohibitive.