NCS Product Synopsis
«©NCSX» Summer vacations are generally relaxing, somewhat interesting, and if you're lucky, filled with tons of stuff to do. The preceding sentence is descriptive of the summer vacations in the Boku no Natsuyasumi (My Summer Vacation) series of games. In case you've never enjoyed a video game vacation, here's your chance to take one on your Sony PSP.
The destination in the latest Boku no Natsuyasumi is an island in Japan which features a modern city but is also brimming with nature so that there's lots of things for a young boy to occupy himself with. The year in the game is 1985 when life was a little simpler than it is now. Activities including fishing, swimming, beetle battling, toy collecting, dancing, sumo wrestling with toys, insect catching with a net, and much more. The island is close to other islands which may be visited by swimming short distances. There's also a drumming mini-game that's somewhat evocative of Namco's Taiko no Tatsujin. Sort of. Coin-op video games of the day may also be enjoyed including a faithful rendition of QIX from Taito. Occasionally, family members will visit and the entire clan from at least three generations will get enjoy a hearty meal together.
To chronicle the good times and record them for posterity, a picture book diary is gradually filled with scrawled images of events and activities experienced over the course of the vacation.