Skeleton Playstation shells were the rage about a decade ago and NCS sold a few thousand units to customers around the world. We still have stock on hand...which is sad. We skipped the PS2 shells but Xbox 360 replacement shells are hot. Banish the vanilla casing of the Xbox 360 and replace it with a shiny chrome case with a mirror-like finish. Installation is relatively simple but full instructions have been linked below:
» Opening the Xbox 360 and removing the shell
» Installing the Chrome Xbox 360 shell
Plain vanilla is okay on top of a waffle cone but it shouldn't be the default color for a mighty next generation console. To distinguish your Xbox 360 from everyone else's, replace the shell with a transparent XCM Diamond case which allows for easy inspection of the console's innards. In addition to the replacement Xbox 360 shell, a matching replacement joypad case is also included so you can view the internals of your controller.
» Opening the Xbox 360 and removing the shell
» Installing the Diamond Xbox 360 shell
Unlike Nintendo, Microsoft hasn't been snappy with releasing color variants of their gaming machines. Take things into your own hands by replacing the Xbox 360 shell with a beautiful glossy Black Knight case.
» Opening the Xbox 360 and removing the shell
» Installing the Black Knight Xbox 360 shell