NCS Product Synopsis
©NCSX» We've played hours upon hours of Monster Hunter across different gaming platforms over the past few years and NCS has slain thousands of monsters. Thousands. During the course of monster hunting, we've also butchered creatures big and small into virtual chops (for eating) to quiet the stomach rumbling noises that emanate from the protagonist. Our hunter-hero has also quaffed hundreds of potions. The concept of Monster Hunter eating and drinking has translated to real foods and drinks in Japan such as the Monster Hunter Canned Ramen so Bandai's new Monster Hunter Cooler Drink isn't anything unique. It's just the latest in a line of foodstuffs that have reached the Japanese marketplace.
Product Specifications
1 Can Volume: 100ml
1 Can Size and Weight: W45 x H106 x D45mm (118g)
1 Carton Size and Weight: W278 x H230 x D113mm (3700g)
Flavor/Taste: Lemon & Mint
Preorders are welcome to ship on or around July 31, 2009 at US$20.90 per pack of six bottles as shown on the photo to the upper-left.