Cover Subject: Persona 4 / Cover Date: July 25, 2008
«©NCSX» Weekly Famitsu subscriptions (Volume 1023) will ship today. New subscriptions are welcome but please note that your first issue will begin in 2 weeks. Due to the fleeting nature of gaming periodicals, NCS is not keeping any new issues of Famitsu in stock and only yearly subscriptions are being processed for every weekly issue. Thank you.
Notable features and tidbits in Weekly Famitsu Vol. 1023
» Famitsu's top 100 games of 2008 for the first half of the year is posted up. At the top spot, Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G lords over all others followed by Super Smash Bros X and Mario Kart Wii.
» Preview of NDS Chrono Trigger which ships later this year.
» Gundam Battle Universe earns 8/8/8/9
» Special feature on Persona 4 with information on the background story, main characters, monsters, and general gameplay strategies.
» Previews for Wii Captain Rainbow and PS2 Thunderforce VI.