NCS Product Synopsis
«©NCSX» The July 15, 2010 issue of Weekly Famitsu includes coverage of the following games and events in the Japanese marketplace:
» Preview for PSP Lord of Arcana which introduces character archetypes, monsters in the game, and explains the adventuring elements.
» Famitsu reviews NDS Toy Story 3 (7/7/8/7), NDS Bokujou Monogatari: Futago no Mura (8/8/8/8), PS3 Shirokishi Monogatari: Hikari to Yami no Kakusei (8/9/8/8), PS3 Dead to Rights: Retribution (7/8/7/7), PSP Zikande Fantasia (6/7/8/6), and PSP The Conveni Portable (7/7/7/6).
» Special preview for PS3 Shirokishi Monogatari: Hikari to Yami no Kakusei which includes information on the protagonist and gameplay.
» Every issue of Weekly Famitsu 1126 includes a bonus 28-page pullout booklet which details all of the top rated games for the first half of 2010.
» Beverages are the focus in this week's PICK UP FOOD section. Famitsu includes a photo of a Dragon Quest Slime-shaped bottle which holds a soft drink. We want it.
Friday, July 02, 2010
MAG Weekly Famitsu Vol. 1126 - New Import
NDS Inazuma Eleven 3 Sekai e no Chousen!! Bomber - New

NCS Product Synopsis
«©NCSX» Once rivals and now mates, the high school soccer players of Inazuma Eleven shove aside their differences and join together to build a club to compete in the Soccer World Championship. Squad leader Endo Mamoru and company create one team to represent Japan that they're calling "Inazuma Japan." The third volume in the Inazuma Eleven series features over 2000 players from different high schools who may be recruited and assembled into a soccer team. Players can also perform 300 types of special moves and killer shots to gain an edge against an opposing team. Inazuma 3 features a "Super Link" feature which allows character data from Inazuma Eleven 2 to be ported over and utilized. The "Bomber" edition of IE3 features an exclusive soccer club dubbed "Demon Army Z" along with special moves, characters, and storyline snippets.
NDS Inazuma Eleven 3 Sekai e no Chousen!! Spark - New

NCS Product Synopsis
«©NCSX» Once rivals and now mates, the high school soccer players of Inazuma Eleven shove aside their differences and join together to build a club to compete in the Soccer World Championship. Squad leader Endo Mamoru and company create one team to represent Japan that they're calling "Inazuma Japan." The third volume in the Inazuma Eleven series features over 2000 players from different high schools who may be recruited and assembled into a soccer team. Players can also perform 300 types of special moves and killer shots to gain an edge against an opposing team. Inazuma 3 features a "Super Link" feature which allows character data from Inazuma Eleven 2 to be ported over and utilized. The "Spark" edition of IE3 features an exclusive soccer club dubbed "Angelic Apostles" along with special moves, characters, and storyline snippets.
NEWS Independence Day Holiday

«©NCSX» The Fourth of July holiday falls on a Sunday this year. However, no one is going to be cheated out of a holiday.
No one.
Not us.
Not you.
Not UPS, Fedex, or the Postal Service.
No one.
To make sure that all Americans are afforded a proper July 4th holiday, July 5th is a holiday this year. That's right, even though July 5 isn't a holiday, it is a holiday this year. So, whenever the Gregorian Calendar tries to cheat anyone out of a holiday again, it better know that Americans are going to make another day a holiday. Take that.