Naturally adorned with extraordinary spiritual power, the orange-haired high school student, “Kurosaki Ichigo”, to help the mysterious girl, Kuchiki Rukia, who has lost her mysterious powers in the course of saving him, decides to become a substitute Shinigami, fighting off “hollows” together with Rukia. After undergoing rigorous training under the tutelage of Urahara Kisuke, Ichigo finally becomes a real Shinigami and unleashes the true powers of his beloved sword, “Zangetsu”. Rukia is imprisoned in the Senzaikyu (literally palace of atonement) as it is a serious offence to impart Shinigami powers to normal people. And so, Ichigo and friends sneak into the Soul Society…
Charming combat system full of varied transformations
The fully revamped combat system not only adds to the “Group Battle” system where one has to work together with partners and use their abilities skillfully so as to overcome the adversaries, but also highlights the interconnected relationships between the characters in the original manga and animation series. It also includes elements like the “Reiatsu” system where both the player and his opponent share the same gauge to “release” and execute devastating killer moves and super hidden moves. Includes the “reiatsu dash” to rush towards the enemy. and the tables-turning “awakening” state. Every duel can be said to be changing with every moment and there is nary a dull moment.