The 10th Anniversary of Final Fantasy VII required a special toast and to make that toast, a unique drink had to be created. A carbonated drink. Preferably from Suntory, who also worked on the Final Fantasy XII potion from 2006 which gave the term "sickly sweet" its true meaning.
Based on the ingredient list for the new potion, it's a sweet caffeinated drink with the added thrill of bubbles that'll fizz and pop underneath a drinker's eager nostrils. We prefer the new packaging for the potions - durable aluminum cans decorated with the images of characters instead of the breakable bottles used for the FFXII potion.
A total of 16 different character cans weighing in at 350ml each is featured in the release and they're sold in factory cases of 24 cans per case. Nearly 5 million units of the potion was produced for the Japanese market so it's not limited run product by a long shot. Preorders and new orders will ship today. Pricing is set at US$7.50/can - please note that much of that cost is the overnight express shipping from overseas.