«©NCSX» We have a soft spot in our hearts for the original Neo Geo AES controller. Sure, it's not the best nor the snappiest joystick we've ever manhandled but there's a certain design aesthetic to the controller that still appeals to our Neo Geo lovin' souls. Exar probably knows our kind so they're showing love to SNK's Neo Geo joystick once more with a new production that ships for the Playstation 3 on July 16. The four main buttons (Square, X, Triangle, O) are arranged in a diagonal row on the left side of the controller and the Dual Shock 3's trigger buttons are mapped to the little sliver-buttons located to the east and south of the main buttons. Preorders are welcome to ship on July 16, 2009 at JPY6279 or US$78.90 from NCS.