» Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca - A princess turned freedom fighter
» Auron - The bruiser wearing shades and a red/black ensemble
» Basch fon Ronsenburg - Dalmascan knight with medieval mullet
» Tifa Lockhart - Athletic gal-pal of Cloud Strife in Final Fantasy VII
Each figure measures approximately 5cm or 1.96" in height and is fixed posed. Similar to other Trading Arts figures from Square, the figures are fully assembled, painted, and ready for display. Please note that Square Enix packages the toys nine per box and NCS is only supplying this item by the box. This means you'll receive the five standard figures as listed above and four random duplicates.
All preorders have shipped as of yesterday afternoon and new orders are welcome to ship today at $40.90 per factory box of 9 figures. Photos