DJ Max Portable 2 hews close to the formula of the original game with flashy style, fresh new music, and fan-friendly modes that give appreciation back to the player. Pentavision shows love for their audience by offering three language settings (English, Korean, and Japanese) and includes a music jukebox (two OSTs at the outset but a third OST is unlockable) and a video player which contains 45 videos that are all viewable at the outset.
For new inductees into the DJ Max fold, the game is basically Beatmania with the option of playing the game in 4-button, 5-button, or 6-button configuration. If you're really good, you'll eventually unlock the Professional Mode which adds the use of the L and R trigger buttons for an 8-button experience. One niggle that we might throw out there is the lack of recognizable and licensed songs. It's pretty much a guarantee that most Western audience members have never heard any of the songs on the DJMP2 soundtrack. Regardless of the obscure song selection however, there are some catchy tunes to enjoy and more importantly, hit the cues to. Since the game's onscreen cues and corresponding "hit" buttons are essentially DJ mixes which add to the song, the placement of the cues make sense and add to the overall harmony of the music. «NCS Game Notes»