Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Bokura no Taiyou: Django and Sabata

Jump! Ultimate Stars

Minna no Curling DS

Galaxy Angel: Moonlit Lovers BEST

Once your little duo has been set up, the game establishes a unique storyline for each particular Angel. Engage in galactic interaction with your new cohort and the other members of the Galaxy Angel Squad while adventuring across the Milky Way. Treat your partners well and their affinity towards you will increase which helps to enhance battle performance and team cohesiveness. Botch the relationship and the team suffers for your folly. Broccoli hired the voice actors from the animation to give life, emotion and speech to the characters and created a new animated intro especially for the game.
Galaxy Angel: Moonlit Lovers was originally released in February 2006 at full price and the BEST version is the same game except that it's a reissue with a new cover and a lower price point.
Guitar Freaks V2 & DrumMania V2

The interface is taken from the arcade version of GuitarFreaks with sweet and shiny bars, buttons, and sliders. The game is broken up into sections for GuitarFreaksV2, DrumManiaV2, and SessionV2 where up to three gamers may jam together. New entrants to the GuitarFreaks fold may hone their skills in the Training Mode which notches down the difficulty level while hardened axe handlers can test themselves in the Practice Mode. Once assured of your ability, head on over to the Arcade Mode and do your best to hit the cues with precision and dexterity. «NCS Game-Notes»
J-League Winning Eleven 10 + Europe League

Twinkle Star Sprites BEST

Foes flying in from the top of the screen include colorful clams with eyes and shells that open and eyes, lemon-like ovals with eyes, mecha teddy bears, floppy eared puppies, flying pigs, and a motley assortment of other attackers. The creatures move in ordered lines where they fly in formation. The target of the shooting action is to destroy a lead object so that it explodes and ignites a chain reaction that blows up all of the followers behind it. Some waves will fly in with orderly downward motion but others will criss-cross the screen which makes the chain reaction destruction somewhat more tricky although destroying a central target will normally cause everyone else to rush into the explosion and destroy themselves.
Mahjong Kakutou Club

Mahjong tiles viewed on a HDTV have never looked so realistic or crisp. Konami's PS3 mahjong game follows the conventions and design of the PSP version of MKC and allows for network play and connectivity with the portable version of the game. Once connected, data may be shared and both PS3 and PSP players may oppose each other online. Please note that a JPY420 monthly charge has been instituted for online play
Jeanne D'Arc

When its time for action, players highlight the active character with a blue square and tap the O button once. A menu appears with movement and attack options. To move, press O on the top option and lighted blue grids overlay the countryside or town which shows the range of movement. Sidle up next to an enemy and attack with the usual tactical conventions where your attack is more effective from the side or behind the target than if you face it head-on.
When attacking, the camera zooms in on the blow being meted out and the enemy is given a chance to automatically counterattack. If he misses, an animation will show Jeanne or another character leaning back and swerving to avoid the blow. Attacking from behind will avoid a counterblow. Once killed, the orc seemingly gives up its last breath and heaves forward before collapsing into a clump on the ground. «NCS Game-Notes»
Riviera: Yakusoku no Chi

To counter the impending threat, heroes Ecthel and Ledah venture off in an adventure to prevent the potential destruction of Riviera, aka the Paradise Land. The game is broken up into simple movement, quest, and attack phases. Choose to move by pressing the "B" button and the heroes will automatically move as if the page were being flipped. Arrows delineate where the heroes may move and generally only one path is available per screen. If a treasure chest is encountered in an new area that the heroes have walked into, the Quest mode can be triggered by pressing "A" which allows one of the heroes to open up to chest and plunder its contents.
When an enemy is met, a profile of the creature pops up and it's onto a fairly static adventure-based fight where players choose to attack or use magic/items if applicable. The PSP version of Riviera features voice acting and new graphics and scenes which bolster the overall adventure.
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 Faceplate