The second stable of Pokemon beasts accompanied by chocolate are headed to the Japanese market in February 2019. The creatures included in the upcoming set are Eevee, Pikachu, Rotom, Fuxux, Nyabby, Oshamari, Tokudemaru, Nekoama, Cabigon, Bevenom, and more.
The collection of toys are packaged inside capsules and include a piece of chocolate.
Package Contents
» Chocolate Egg x 10
» Capsule with toy inside
Preorders are welcome to ship in late February 2019 at US$39.90 per box of 10 randomly packaged Choco Egg toys.
Product Specs
Manufacturer: Furuta
Material: Painted PVC
Product SKU: 4519869902715
Japanese Title: ポケットモンスターサン&ムーンチョコエッグ2
Territory/Language: Japan
Manufacturer: Furuta
Material: Painted PVC
Product SKU: 4519869902715
Japanese Title: ポケットモンスターサン&ムーンチョコエッグ2
Territory/Language: Japan