NCS Product Synopsis
Update: April 2, 2010
«©NCSX» The market value of assets big and small, paper and physical got demolished in the great plunge of 2008-2009. It was an unstoppable crash wave that destroyed value and obliterated trading accounts the world over. Unable to meet that margin call when CRUDE tossed its cookies and dropped to $33.85 in early 2009? Too bad. Your leveraged position got sold out. You blew up and got knocked out of the game. Madoff took a bite too and the name "Ponzi" became fashionable again. Wealth got transferred and moved across the table in a big way.
To replenish their savings and salvage their portfolios, average citizens need the proper tools and guidance to help rebuild wealth. Hedging long positions long term is a losing game but diversification isn't. Wall Street as a whole probably won't be looking to hold any punters victims suckers investors' hands so in addition to diversification, NCS recommends the Itazura Coin Bank - Mikeniko Kitty Version. Drop a dime or in this case, a JPY500 piece on top of the box and a curious kitty paws the coin and brings it into the cardboard box it calls home. The sensor on top of the box is decorated to look like a dish with dessicated fish parts on top. Place a JPY500 coin (or a quarter) onto the space between those fish parts to activate the bashful cat who loves to save.
Once the fish atop the dish is depressed, a realistic sounding "meow" may be heard as the cat peeks out of its carton. Next, the whirring sound of a motor accompanies the sight of a paw which reaches out and snags the coin into the carton. The entire sequence concludes with another "meow" as if the kitty is saying "thanks for the loot." Once the cat's mission is accomplished, the lid of the box slams shut until another coin is laid on top of the fish dish.
The coin bank runs on two "AA" batteries (not included) which are fitted into the hatch on the underside. The bank accepts coins that are 2.70cm in diameter and under. For us Yanks, this capacity accommodates quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. For Japanese folks, the coin bank can accept JPY500, JPY100, JPY50, JPY10, and JPY5 coins. The coin bank is available in either white (Mikeneko) or brown (Toraneko) colored felines. All preorders have shipped as of yesterday and new orders are welcome to ship this afternoon. «NCS Photo & Video Gallery»