NCS Product Synopsis
«©NCSX» Yoko Ritona of Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann fame is second only to Kanu Unchou from Ikkitousen in terms of the amount of toys she has engendered in Japan over the past two years. Yoko has her own Figma, MMS, and Revoltech toys as well as numerous figures from the usual PVC purveyors. However one Revoltech isn't enough. No, a second Revoltech is demanded by the fan base and Kaiyodo obliges with the Revoltech Fraulein No. 016: Gurren Lagann - 'Movie' Yoko Action Figure (No Boota Version) which ships this summer.
The new 1/10 scale Revoltech measures 15cm or roughly 6" in height and features 19 points of articulation so she's highly posable. Upon removing Yoko from her encasement, she's found prone on a plastic tray with an assortment of weaponry arrayed next to her. There's a sniper rifle, a hand gun, and hair pins. NCS is aware that hair pins aren't generally used as weapons but they can be in Yoko's capable hands. She's the kind of girl who doesn't just get even, she gets stabby. Preorders have shipped as of yesterday and new orders are welcome to ship today.