For players around the world who missed out on the Crisis Core PSP the first time around, another chance will arrive next week. That's when Square Enix does the unthinkable and releases the special Final Fantasy PSP on the Continent. We checked but hell hasn't frozen over nor have pigs begun to fly. Whatever it is, we think it's one small step closer to an even playing field for our brothers in Europe.
Preorders are welcome starting today for the European version of the Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core PSP and pricing is set at US$329. For that price, you'll get the Crisis Core PSP and a copy of the Crisis Core game which is multi-language. Please note that since the PSP is a European model, it will include a 240V power adapter which is unusable in the USA unless a 120V-240V converter is used. Since we don't want anyone to blow up their PSPs or set the dog on fire, a carefully worded warning will be included with every order regarding the 240V AC adapter.
Based on the information from our suppliers thus far, a Buster Sword keychain isn't included but we'll confirm this information in the next few days. Preorders will ship on or around June 20.