In the year 2301, a young girl named Akari Mizunashi immigrates to Mars. The planet has been transformed into a water world now known as Aqua where travelers enjoys the sights of Neo Venezia by way of gondola. Akari aspires to become a professional gondolier and to that end, gains employment with Aria Company which provides tours throughout the city.
Japanese manufacturer Organic has started preorders for an Aria Company toy set which features the building that houses Aria Company in all its 13cm tall glory. The set also includes 4cm figures for Akari Mizunashi, Alicia Florence, and a 2.5cm figure for Aria Pokoteng. Alicia's the most popular gondolier in Aria Company's staff of two and Pokoteng is the feline mascot of the business with blue eyes and a portly stature. Preorders are welcome to ship in mid-late March 2007 at US$75 per set.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Black Lagoon Shenhua Figure
In the Black Lagoon animation, an average salaryman is recruited into a mercenary group which tackles hairy missions in Southeast Asia. Supported with work from the Russian mob known as Hotel Moscow, Black Lagoon runs into a motley assortment of killers and professional assassins in their travels. One of their more memorable counterweights is a Taiwanese assassin named Shanhua who slices and dices with blades.
Max Factory celebrates the svelte silhouette of Shenhua with a 1/8 scale PVC figure which measures 21cm or 8.26" tall. Shenhua holds two Khukuris in her hands and two sets of throwing knives may be observed lashed around her thighs. The assassin wears a flowing red number which is tight on top and curiously billowy on the bottom. Preorders are welcome to ship in mid-late June 2007 at US$68 each.
Max Factory celebrates the svelte silhouette of Shenhua with a 1/8 scale PVC figure which measures 21cm or 8.26" tall. Shenhua holds two Khukuris in her hands and two sets of throwing knives may be observed lashed around her thighs. The assassin wears a flowing red number which is tight on top and curiously billowy on the bottom. Preorders are welcome to ship in mid-late June 2007 at US$68 each.
Mylene Hoffman 009-1 Figure
Sometime in the far flung future in an alternate reality version of Earth, the Cold War never ended and the world has been divided into two partitions - the Eastern Bloc and the Western Bloc. A semblance of civility is maintained by the ruling powers but underneath the surface, snappish gamesmanship and subterfuge are afoot. Then there are the threats of nuclear bombardment. The agents who carry out the dirty work outside of the big bomb are female agents that look like transplants from the disco era of the 70s.
One of the agents is a female cyborg named Mylene Hoffman who wears a blonde pageboy and clothing that draws inspiration from the decade of flower power and free love. Mylene carries a raygun and possesses extremely pendulous attributes. Organic has started preorders for a 22cm tall Mylene Hoffman figure which ships in mid-late March 2007 at US$65.
One of the agents is a female cyborg named Mylene Hoffman who wears a blonde pageboy and clothing that draws inspiration from the decade of flower power and free love. Mylene carries a raygun and possesses extremely pendulous attributes. Organic has started preorders for a 22cm tall Mylene Hoffman figure which ships in mid-late March 2007 at US$65.
Shining Tears Mao Figure
Xion was the hero in Shining Tears but it's Mao we remember. Slight of frame and willowy, Mao is a Quarterbeast ninja with a pair of pronounced ears above her head. In the game, Mao provided comedic relief as well as a reliable sword hand when the occasion called. In addition to swords, Mao also threw knives in battle like a seasoned carnival performer to smack foes in the distance.
Following their Shining Tears: Blanc Neige and Shining Tears: Elwyn figures, Max Factory has started preorders for a 1/7 scale Mao figure in an orange bikini. Mao wears a collar as cats are apt to do and hides her hands behind her back whilst tilting her hips to the left. Mao's bright crimson eyes match her two-piece and a cat's pawprint is stamped on the right side of her bikini. Preorders are welcome to ship in mid-late June 2007 at JPY4600 or US$49 from NCS.
Following their Shining Tears: Blanc Neige and Shining Tears: Elwyn figures, Max Factory has started preorders for a 1/7 scale Mao figure in an orange bikini. Mao wears a collar as cats are apt to do and hides her hands behind her back whilst tilting her hips to the left. Mao's bright crimson eyes match her two-piece and a cat's pawprint is stamped on the right side of her bikini. Preorders are welcome to ship in mid-late June 2007 at JPY4600 or US$49 from NCS.
S.S.G. Arcadia Weathering Spec
The Arcadia is the mighty battleship guided by the swashbuckling Captain Harlock. A number of toys based on the Arcadia have been released throughout the years and manufacturer Aoshima has started preorders for another one. Limited to only 500 units, the green Arcadia measures 33cm from stern to bow and is mounted securely with four struts on a pedestal. The jolly roger is imprinted on both sides of the ship and the construction is a mix of diecast and PVC.
Preorders are welcome to ship in mid-late April 2007 at JPY13000 or US$175 from NCS. Pricing takes into account the hefty shipping and handling fees from overseas into the United States.
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