«©NCSX» A sampling of the contents and notable features in the 1067th issue of Weekly Famitsu Magazine include:
» A preview of the Monster Hunter 3-tri Limited Edition which is an e-Capcom exclusive. We'll post an update if we start accepting reservations. The article also checks out characters and monster slaying techniques.
» PSP Lunar Harmony of Silver Star remake details.
» Pokemon Famichudan article which checks out the upcoming "Heart Gold" and "Soul Silver" games which feature the monsters Ho-oh and Lugia.
» This week's PICK UP FOOD section takes a look at packaged pastries including the "Fuwa Mochi Steamed Cake", the "Gouda Cheese Pastry," and the highly appetizing "Fried Cake of Minced Meat."
» Cover idol Erina Mano allows herself to be photographed on a bike, the great outdoors, and against a draped window.
» Gyakuten Kenji character information and screenshots.
» Preview for SaGa 2: Goddess of Destiny which is expected sometime in 2009 and is part of Square Enix's SaGa 20th Anniversary celebration.