Playstation 3 - Big in Japan
NCS Update: 11:56AM EST
Japanese suppliers took delivery of their PS3 consoles about 6 hours ago in preparation of tomorrow's official launch in Japan. Quantities are scarce and prices are high. Much higher than their lofty projections from a couple of months ago. NCS will re-confirm preorders with our customers by email today but note that launch pricing is as follows:
20GB Playstation 3 Unit: US$879 + shipping
60GB Playstation 3 Unit: US$989 + shipping (Limited stock)
Please be aware that even if you confirm at the higher prices, stock may not be available for the first shipment that is scheduled to arrive on November 13 (Monday) or November 14. Suppliers are essentially allocating their inventory to whomever will pay their asking price. If a competitor bumps their offer price up tonight and we're unwilling to match the higher bid, we'll receive reduced quantities on Monday-Tuesday.
Volatile Pricing
The current PS3 prices are unstable. Despite the demand for the PS3 at the moment, prices can drop by as much as US$100+ within the following 2 weeks. If you confirm your order at the higher price, we cannot accept a cancellation since we will be locking in and paying the higher prices tonight for the launch inventory.
NCS Recommendation
If the first batch of PS3 games aren't that compelling to your hardcore gaming sensibilities, NCS advises that you wait 2 weeks after the Japanese launch to see where prices settle. We expect them to be lower, especially with the imminent launch of the USA Playstation 3 on November 17.