NCS Sale of the Day: June 27, 2008
«©NCSX» Measuring a miniscule 10 x 5 x 1.7cm in dimension or 4 x 2 x 0.7" for us Yanks, the Gameboy Micro matches the size of one of our Casio Exilim cameras nearly perfectly. The backlit screen on the Micro is slightly smaller than a standard GBA but it's remarkably crisp, bright, and sharp. The buttons on the Micro are also the softer tactile type as seen on the original GBA instead of the buttons used on the GBA SP. The headphone port is also built-in so players won't have to shell out another $10 for an adapter.
Sale Offering - NCS' remaining inventory of the Gameboy Micro Famicom Version is new, factory sealed, and in excellent condition. Pricing is set at US$65.90 which includes USPS Priority Mail shipping within the U.S.