NCS Product Synopsis
Sale Update: August 10, 2010
«©NCSX» During the summer months when it's hazy and humid outside, a hard-working man can sweat like a pig underneath the hot Alabama sun. Once the toiling is over and it's relaxin' time, such a worker should grab a brewski, eat a donut, and wipe his greasy glistening face with an official Shooting Watch Towel from Hudson. The towel measures 29 x 12.50" in area and is woven from cotton so it'll sop up sweat, oil, tears, and the occasional rivulet of spittle from the corner of the hard working man's maw. Other uses for the towel include but are not limited to:
1) Fold it in half and then half again to make a Shooting Watch bandana
2) Tuck the towel beneath your chin for a Shooting Watch bib
3) Wrap it around your neck with a loose drape: Shooting Watch scarf
4) Cut it in half if you're keen on making two Shooting Watch placemats
NCS Sale Offer
Pricing per Shooting Watch Towel is set at US$7.90 which includes free shipping via USPS First Class Airmail within the United States. Orders that are submitted before 4PM EST will ship today. «NCS Photo Gallery»
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