Tuesday, December 22, 2009

NEWS Chronology of Final Fantasy XIII

«©NCSX» How last Thursday panned out with the debut of FFXIII.

10:36AM - UPS arrives. Lots of boxes to unload. Move two "flatbed" style handtrucks down to help UPS driver bring the shipments in. Why are the FFXIII Lightning Bundle boxes so &%#($@ heavy?
11:02AM - Finish unloading. Now all of the inventory has to be counted and sorted to make sure nothing was pilfered, crushed, or inundated with water while in transit from Japan to New York.
11:18AM - Everything looks good. Now the packing starts. Hundreds upon hundred of boxes have to go out today. Or there'll be hell to pay. The Postal shipments have to go out sooner since the Postal Service has an earlier cutoff time; UPS gives us some leeway at the end of the day where they'll pick up at around 6PM or 7PM for later shipments.
- Lunch? No, we won't be having any of that today. There won't be any afternoon tea and scones either.
12:17PM -
Why are the Lightning bundles so &%#($@ heavy?
03:13PM -
Midway. We're on track to get everything out but there's a little bit of trepidation in the air since time seems to stream faster on big days like this. Nothing compares to the day we got Ikaruga on Dreamcast though...
05:28PM - UPS arrives. We need a little more time and there's about 80 packages remaining to be packed. We ask for, and receive, a much appreciated 30 minute reprieve.
06:02PM - UPS returns again. We're almost ready but there's a few more boxes to be packed and taped up. While the truck is being loaded, everything else will be finished and ready to go.
- Database uploads for shipment confirmations are being prepared.
- Some administrative duties need to be completed.
07:13PM - Friday's orders and shipments are being prepared.
08:47PM - Almost done and the garage closes in 13 minutes.
08:59PM - Escape from NCS' premises... in the nick of time.

1 comment:

NewTypeAlex said...

you guys are awesome!