«©NCSX» The Kanji Kentei (漢字検定 "KanKen") is a Japanese language aptitude test that's administered thrice every year. The test measures a person's proficiency at reading, writing, and recognizing kanji characters of every stripe and stroke. Speaking of which, stroke order when creating kanji is also tested but we've found that intuition and common sense are good foundations for determining how kanji should be written. KanKen DS is a top notch piece of software which gives learners of kanji an interactive way to prepare for the test. The new KanKen DS 3 bumps up the franchise with a new and more comprehensive edition which features over 100,000 questions and an improved kanji dictionary which now includes character meanings and usage. Kanji students of all ages may use the software and ratchet the learning level accordingly to one's level of experience and familiarity.
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