Transformers Encore 5 - Ironhide
In the G1 cartoons, Ironhide was a boxy robot who served as Optimus' bodyguard and served as security detail for the Autobots HQ on Earth. He looked like a normal robot so why does Ironhide's "robot" form in Encore 5 appear to be an abomination of disheveled plastic that got mashed together? Ironhide doesn't even have a helm and a flat screen serves as a sort of head to peer into. In vehicle mode, Ironhide shifts into a Nissan Onebox Cherry Vanette.
Transformers Encore 6 - Ratchet
While the rest of the Autobots went to war, Ratchet stayed behind to tend to the wounded and/or wrecked returning warriors. Ratchet was able to mend damaged metal and reactivate robots like a champ. His skills were so renowned that his services were sought by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons to revive busted up member of his contingent. Similar to Ironhide, Ratchet in robot mode is a mishmash of plastic with a windshield but he's an ambulance in vehicle mode.
Both toys are made of ABS plastic but the fender and bits on each robot's chest are made of diecast metal. Each package also includes with a card, instructions, three silvery missiles and a silvery cannon accessory.
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