The year is C.E. 73 and the peace treaty between ZAFT and the Earth Alliance is two years old and simmering beneath the surface. As Gundam Seed Destiny's storyline kicks off, members of an Earth Alliance group known as "Phantom Pain" steals three mobile suits from a ZAFT installation which eventually boils up into another war.
Originally released in Japanese arcades earlier this year, the latest Gundam Seed release makes it to the PS2 so gamers can enjoy the blazing action in the comfort of their homes. Players team up with a CPU-controlled partner or 2P player in all of the missions where squads of enemy mechs are fought, evaded, and conquered. The action runs fast and battlefield conditions change continually as new enemy mechs enter to replace their fallen comrades. In addition to the standard Arcade mode, the Playstation 2 version features a Fight Mode, a P.L.U.S. Story Mode, a Challenge Mode, and a Gallery which collects artwork of the mechs and pilots, BGM track, and a bevy movies from the game. Most of the items in the Gallery are locked at the outset but samples are available for viewing. «NCS Game Notes»
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