Borne from the fiery loins of the devil, the main character of Makai Senki Disgaea is literally a lil' devil. When old Beezlebub croaks, the path of ascension is unclear and Satan's spawn Laharl must prove himself by taking on all rivals and pretenders to the throne.
Designed similarly to games such as Final Fantasy Tactics, Ogre Battle, and Hoshigami, characters battle in 3-D isometric tactical theaters. Conventional weaponry as well as magical spells may be used in the course of war and two comrades watch your back - a wispy devil girl named Etna (complete with forked tail) and a demon penguin named Plinian (aka Prinny) join your party at the outset of the game. Additional soldiers and fighters may be created with Nippon Ichi's Free Character Creation System.
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