NCS Product Synopsis
«©NCSX» City Hunter was originally serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump where it ran from 1995 to 1991. The hero is the series is a detective named Ryo Saeba who works the mean streets of Tokyo. His partner in crime is his former partner's sister Kaori Makimura who is secretly in love with Ryo. As such, Kaori tends to smack Ryo whenever he dotes and lavishes attention on his female clients a little too much. When Kaori performs her smackdown, she uses a massive mallet.
Hot Toys starts preorders for a Comic Masterpiece rendition of Ryo Saeba which measures 30cm tall and features over 30 points of articulation so Ryo can be posed and positioned in a number of different stances. The figure includes two head pieces, a Colt Python 357 Magnum with holster, M1 Carbine rifle, a coat, and six extra hands. Preorders are welcome to ship in December 2011 at JPY18,858 or US$229.90 from NCS.
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