NCS Product Synopsis
«©NCSX» Relive the adventures chronicled in "Mobile Suit Gundam," "Mobile Suit Z Gundam," and "Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack" in Bandai's 3DS Gundam the 3D Battle. The game features over 70 mechs and over 70 missions to conquer by way of mobilizing Gundam armor on 3D battlefields that pop out of the screen. When raging against an adversary, mechs run, jump, jump-jet, and swing their swords while avoiding the same from the opposition. As mech handlers and their mechs level up, attributes may be boosted by allocated points earned from battlefield exploits and successes.
In addition to the action-packed 3D histrionics, players may view a Gallery which contains 3D models of mobile suits.
1 comment:
In addition to the action-packed 3D histrionics, players may view a Gallery which contains 3D models of mobile suits.
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