Monday, September 13, 2010

PS3 Warehouse Removal Item #6 - KOFXII Joystick

NCS Product Synopsis
«©NCSX» Bought way too many of the KOFXII sticks and there's a bunch of cases sitting in the old warehouse so we gotta try and move some at US$39.90 each with free UPS Ground shipping. Our original writeup follows:

   Japanese manufacturer Exar releases a PS3 USB joystick that's decorated with KOF XII character artwork. If you're a Wii Tatsunoko vs Capcom player, the design of the joystick may look similar because it's the same exact form-factor as Exar's Tatsunoko stick. A 35mm lollipop-style joystick is located on the left whilst six buttons reside on the right. The characters shown on the top of the panel are: Terry Bogard, Athena, Ryo Sakazaki, Ash Crimson, Iori Yagami, and Kyo Kusanagi.

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