Wednesday, August 18, 2010

PSP Tenchou no Igo - Import Preorder

NCS Product Synopsis
«©NCSX» The game of Go or Igo has been around for thousands of years. The Chinese played the game first and Go spread to the other countries in the Pacific where it's still played today. The gist of Go is this: Two players sit before a grid-laced playboard measuring 19 x 19 equidistant lines. Each player is supplied with a collection of stones which are placed on the intersections of lines. One player drops white stones whilst the opponent puts down black stones. Once a stone is placed on the board, it lays there like a... stone. The goal of the game is to drop stones on the board in order to capture the opponent's stones and remove them while trying to prevent the capture of your own stones. The genius of Go's design is in its simplicity but although the rules are simple, mastery of the game's possible strategies and nuances can take a lifetime due to the variables at play.

Tenchou no Go was a popular PC version of Igo and the publisher is porting it over to the PSP. The software uses an artificial intelligence program dubbed "Zen" which has beaten professional Go players at tournaments. Zen was developed by Yamato of Japan and ranks alongside programs such as MoGo and Crazy Stone. Preorders for the PSP import Tenchou no Go are welcome to ship on October 28, 2010 at JPY4800 or US$56.90 from NCS.

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