Tuesday, June 15, 2010

NDS Chou Kowai Hanashi DS: Ao no Shou - Import Preorder

NCS Product Preorder Synopsis
«©NCSX» Almost everyone enjoys a scary story. Almost. What's not to love about being scared out of one's wits by a creepy tale filled with malcontent spooks, malevolent drudges, and preternatural forces beyond imagining? The Japanese love scary stories along with spooky movies and The Ring remains one of the eeriest novel-turned-films in the past decade or two. To capture the public appetite for scary stories, Alchemist gathers together a total of 63 scary stories and bulks them up into visual novels filled with images, sound effects, and narration from Akira Hirayama.
Preorders for the Nintendo DS Japanese import
Chou Kowai Hanashi DS: Ao no Shou are welcome to ship on August 5, 2010 at JPY4800 or US$53.90 from NCS.

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