Tuesday, April 27, 2010

PS3 Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Edition Bundle - Import Preorder

NCS Preorder Synopsis
«©NCSX» Square Enix is localizing Final Fantasy XIII for Hong Kong and Taiwan next month with a Chinese language rendition of the game. Since anyone in those territories (who really really wanted to play the game) has already played the Japanese or North American version of FFXIII already, Square had to think of a gimmick to convince fans to purchase the game again. Three gimmicks were dreamt up but NCS will only participate in two of them:

Gimmick #1: FFXIII Lightning Edition Bundle
Square packs the FFXIII game with a PSN card and a white Dual Shock 3 which is decorated with a stenciled image of Lightning on the right grip.
Price: US$108.90

Gimmick #2
: FFXIII Lightning Edition Bundle Deluxe Pack
Includes the game, the white Dual Shock 3, FFXIII Original Soundtrack (10 tracks), a CG illustrations booklet, an Original FFXIII sleeve case, Playstation Network Card, and an exclusive FFXIII character poster.
Price: US$118.90

The pricing scheme makes no sense since everyone will probably purchase bundle #2 which includes a lot more stuff for a few measly dollars more. Preorders are welcome to ship on or around May 27, 2010.

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