NCS Product Synopsis
«©NCSX» The giants are on the march against the sons of man in Midgard and there will be blood. Lots of it. Although the humans are resourceful and somewhat intelligent, they're no match for the brute power of the giants and their overlords. To lend humanity a helping hand, Odin sends two gods to Midgard - siblings named Freyr and Freyja who are skilled with sword and bow. Slim of stature and powerful in their own right, the two gods lead the humans and their allies on action-packed campaigns against the giants.
Zangeki no Reginleiv is a 3D run and slash game which uses both Nunchuk and Wii Remote to perform the necessary attacks against the giants. The game is broken up into missions where the aim is invariably killing and the wholesale destruction of giants and any creatures that pose a threat. Players may choose between Freyr or Freyja (they're selectable before almost every mission) and accompany a group of human warriors against enemy forces. In the first mission, Freyr and a bunch of soldiers protect a village from an invasion of giants. When the mission starts, Freyr runs behind the soldiers and the enemies may be seen in the distance pounding and stomping on hapless villagers. Once the battle is joined, Freyr and friends slash, thrust, and literally sever the giants into hunks of meat. Reginleiv is a gore-fest and the bloodthirsty will find the sight of spraying blood and hacked off limbs sweet solace. «NCS Game Notes»
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