Thursday, August 06, 2009

Wii Kororinpa 2 - New Import, In Stock

NCS Game Synopsis
«©NCSX» One of the earliest games we recall that featured the control of a rolling ball was Marble Madness from Atari. The MM coin-op featured a trackball controller which had to be spun like the dickens to maneuver the onscreen marble through grid-laced levels. Over the years, ball-control games have been consistent sellers including Super Monkey Ball for the Gamecube and GooBall on the Mac. When the original release of Kororinpa reached the Wii back in 2006, we were in familiar gaming territory with the novelty of a new control scheme via the Wii Remote.

Hudson releases a sequel to Kororinpa this week which features the same Remote control to move the protagonist marble but the Wii Balance Board may also be used instead of the Remote. The Balance Board is likely to add an extra measure of difficulty to the game since it's not as incrementally precise as the remote. Kororinpa 2 features over 200 stages which gradually ramp up in difficulty as earlier levels are conquered. There's an ice stage, a stage with a desert backdrop, a stage that looks like polished woodwork, and many more designs. If that isn't enough, a level editor is also included so players can create their own stages and share them with others via WiiConnect24.

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