Monday, April 13, 2009

General Updates

TOYS SR Senjou no Valkyria Figure Collection 2
All preorders for the "Valkyria Swimsuit" gashapon sets are shipping today. Our supplier shipped the toys out of Japan on Friday of last week and they arrived a little after 11:00AM EST this morning. NCS is assembling the toys in complete sets of five figures at the price of US$28.90. Please note that the toys are sold out as of this morning but we'll post an update later this week if additional supplies are available. We may or may not post a photo gallery tomorrow since we're not sure if we'll be able to keep a set for our own collection from today's shipment. Gotta fill those preorders first...
ETC Turtle Egg for Easter
One of the large red-eared slider turtles that we keep on the premises laid an egg over the weekend. She had been scratching around and kicking her legs for a few days prior to the event and the fruit of her labor finally showed up on Saturday. A photo may be viewed here. We've isolated the egg and we'll see if it hatches in the next 60-90 days. What the photo doesn't show is the enclosure that we placed on top of it to maintain moisture in the soil.

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