«©NCSX» If the Transformers echelon were positioned in terms of power ranking, Optimus would be in the prime spot followed by Megatron. Third place would probably be given to Grimlock - a mighty Dinobot who transforms from bulky robot to mechanical Tyrannosaurus Rex. In robot mode, Grimlock carries an Energon sword to mete out the destruction but in Rex mode, his bite does all the damage. Takara finally gives Grimlock his due respect in the eighth Transformers Masterpiece toy which was released in Japan last week and finally arrived yesterday.
Masterpiece Grimlock is made of a combination of PVC and die-cast metal with numerous points of articulation. A gimmicky LED in its right fist illuminates the included Energon sword while Grim's eyes may change color to red or blue in either robot or dinosaur mode. Accessories that are bundled inside the package include a little helmet which may be placed on top of the Rex's head, a blaster rifle, and more. Grimlock looks good in Rex mode but his arms are too scrawny and don't really match his imposing bulk.
All preorders have shipped already as of yesterday but we're currently sold out. We'll update our product listing if we're able to restock another batch from Japan in the next few days.
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