In the One Piece Episode of Arabasta movie, the Straw Hat Pirates rush to the aid of Princess Vivi Nefertari who's kingdom is under siege by a criminal organization called Baroque Works. When the Straw Hats first meet Vivi, she is under the guise of an agent working for Baroque Works which she has infiltrated. After the truth comes out, Luffy and crew take her under their umbrella and help Vivi's cause.
Cospa has started preorders for a t-shirt which is based on the Arabasta movie and features the Straw Hats on the bottom of the garment. Each pirate raises his left arm and balls his fist. In the case of Chopper, the squat reindeer raises a hoof. Preorders are welcome to ship in mid-late October 2008 at JPY3000 or US$32.90. Please select a shirt size from XS-S-M-L when placing your order.
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