Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Transformers Sports Label Convoy feat. Nike - In Stock

NCS recalls a time when the words "Nike" and "Transformers" would have never jibed in the same sentence or breath. Nike = Sneakers. Transformers = Robots. There's no relationship between the two whatsoever and never the twain shall meet.

Hell froze over.

Behold the latest collaboration betwixt two household names: Nike and Transformers. At first glom, the Nike Transformers looks like a well-appointed 6" duo-tone sneaker with white laces. However with a few twists, shifts, and turns, the shoe transforms into a recognizable robot known by fans the world over. This is no normal robot however since its trailing loose laces and wearing miniature sneaks which may be popped onto its mechanical feet. Please note that this release is the Marine color version of Sports Label Convoy which was released in Japan on Sept 11.

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