In the world of Shinkyoku Sōkai Polyphonica, musicians known as Dantists play compositions called "Commandia" which are used to appease the spirits and provide them with sustenance. The hero of the Polyphonica tale is a fledgling Dantist named Phoron Tatara who works at the Tsuge Divine Music Player Office. Phoron partners up with a red-headed spirit named Corticarte Apa Lagrangres. Phoron refers to her as "Corti" to avoid elocution issues when sputtering her convoluted moniker.
Good Smile Company commissioned artist Yasuyuki Arakawa to sculpt Corticarte into a 1/8 scale PVC figure which measures 19cm or 7.48" in height. Since Corti is a ginger, we had to preorder a few cases of the figure... regardless of whether or not the market will buy her. As we've mentioned before, redheads aka gingers are good luck in our little world. Preorders are scheduled to ship in mid-late December 2007.
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