In the Black Lagoon animation, an average salaryman named Rock is recruited into a mercenary group known as Lagoon Company which tackles hairy missions in Southeast Asia. Supported with work from the Russian mob known as Hotel Moscow, the Lagoon crew runs into a motley assortment of killers and professional assassins in their travels.
Lagoon Company's renown is generally bolstered by Revy, a woman warrior who shoots first and asks later. New Line's production of their Revy interpretation measures 13cm or 5.11" tall and her pose is relaxed and generally sedate. Revy's holding one gun while another lies beneath her left leg. Bullet clips are included in the package and may be arranged in front of her green combat boots. The Revy figure is fixed pose, fully assembled, and painted. Upon taking it out of the box, Revy is ready for display on a mantle or lighted pedestal. Preorders will ship today.
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