In an alternate reality where cities float and magic weaves through the world, humans, elves, dwarves, and hobbits populate the land and live in harmony. That is, until the monsters arrived. Led by a mighty horned dragon known as the "King of Monsters," paradise was lost and strife touched all corners of the world. The races of the world all marshaled for war and years of conflict raged across the land. The bloodshed endured until the hero Rastil led a party of warriors and beat the King of Monsters down in a climactic battle where the beast was sealed away. As it was contained, the blood of the King of Monsters seeped into the soil and cursed the world. From this dreary scenario, a young hero suffering from amnesia enters the world and hopes to recover his memory. Perhaps along the way, the hero will find a way to bring paradise back to the land.
Valhalla Knights plies the 3D role-playing trade with adequate visuals and conventional adventure game basics such as quests, character classes, level raising, and party members. The character creation system allows four primary classes - fighter, mage, priest, and thief. From these four foundation archetypes, other classes may be created such as archmage and samurai when a character levels up and attains skills and attributes. At the outset of the game, players may only select a male or female human as the protagonist but elves, dwarves, and hobbits are available for new characters that are created in the guild.
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