Join the ranks of the Japan Special Forces and tackle the role of an officer who shuffles to various assignments where street criminals and terrorists are wreaking havoc. When trouble threatens to wreck the peace, the jacketed officer rushes to the airport, the local bank, a convenience store, or another venue where public safety is at risk. The goal is to stop the perpetrators cold with gunfire and shuttle hostages away from harm's way. At the end of each level, the player is ranked on the efficacy of his work, the stealth factor, and the save ratio of the hostages. To avoid being seen by thugs, players may crouch and hide behind obstacles but NCS found that the AI of the criminals isn't necessarily something to fear. They're collectively dumber than a box of hammers...
Missions are viewed from a first person perspective where the environment shifts into view with every turn of the corner and each swivel of the officer's vantage point. The camera control is dodgy however with an auto-centering feature which makes for clumsy controls. The game features over 40 types of real world rifles and guns that may be used in the game for a superfluous bit of realism. Superfluous because the guns all shoot the same. Players may enjoy 37 missions which take place in locales across Japan. «NCS Game Notes»
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