In an alternate reality version of old Edo, aliens known as the Amanto have invaded. High above the populace, airships glide across the skies and aliens walk amongst the masses. To add insult to injury, the Amanto passed an edict where all swords are banned, effectively putting an end to the samurai class. Or so they thought...
Enter Sakata Gintoki, a samurai who carries a sword and engages in all manner of freelance missions. Sakata is joined by an apprentice named Shimura and an alien girl named Kagura who has a pet named Sadaharu. Together, they are known as the Gin-Chan Freelancers. The Nintendo DS Gintama game features the escapades of the Freelancers as they work all manner of odd jobs to repay a ¥1,000,000 debt. «NCS Game Notes»
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