Wednesday, September 08, 2010

TOYS Warehouse Removal Item #1 Broken Mario 50cm Statue

NCS Product Synopsis
«©NCSX» NCS imported a bunch of Mario Statues from Japanese manufacturer Weccle Ats back in 2007. Pricing was US$279 each. Most of the statues arrived intact and suitable for sale. Some didn't. According to our records, three of the statues got busted up in the same way - a major fracture of Mario's right arm along with additional stress damage on the left arm. The reason was because Weccle Ats used a form-fitting cardboard box to ship the Mario statues and if anything smacked the side of the box where Mario's elbow was jutting out, Mario's elbow got cracked. Dumb, right?

   We've been clearing out the old warehouse and we found one of the Mario statues that got busted up. We've included photos of the damage so a prospective buyer can see exactly what he or she's getting into. From the front, Mario looks great but he's all cracked on the back. To add insult to injury, the middle finger on Mario's left hand got severed but we're fairly certain that it can be re-attached with a liberal slather of glue.

   NCS is selling the Mario statue item AS-IS. We have about 2 more weeks before we vacate the old warehouse and most of the inventory has been moved or sold. We'll try selling whatever remains over the next few days in single lots as well as bulk lots. «NCS Photo Gallery» 

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