Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Samurai Dou 2 Portable - Preorder Update

NCS Preorder Synopsis
«©NCSX» Step into the Edo period (1615-1868) of medieval Japan when the Tokugawa Shogunate adopted an isolationist policy. Despite the official stance of closing the country from outsiders, travelers from around the world nevertheless visited Japan and the country enjoyed flourishing internal growth and trade.

Players take control of a roaming samurai who enters random battles on roads against bandits, help villagers, and enter into other scenarios which require skilled swordsmanship and samurai might. When the samurai enters a small town named Amahara, he discovers a tense situation where the yakuza are in the midst of a conflict with the local magistrate. The citizenry of Amahara are burdened by the aggressive yakuza while being yoked by a harsh magistrate who metes out punishment with ease. When our hero arrives, he tips the scales in favor of whomever he decides to work for - whether it be the yakuza, the law, or the regular folk. The aim of the game is to survive the skirmishes and conflicts that erupt for at least 10 days. Samurai Dou 2 was originally released on the PS2 in 2003 but the game's being ported to the PSP later this year. The PSP conversion features improved loading times over the PS2 version and new elements we'll flesh out when the game arrives. Preorders ship on Sept 3, 2009.

1 comment:

john said...

its a interesting game with a story of a traveler the main character helps the people.its a well designed ps2 version.


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