Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 1st Love Plus - New, In Stk

«©NCSX» Originally released in March 2007, Konami updates Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 1st Love with a full-voice edition where actors provide speech to accompany all of the dialogue in the game. In Konami's twist on the Tokimeki franchise, players take on the role of a female high school student who enters a private school for a three year stint. In that time, she applies herself scholastically as well as athletically to hone her mind and body. The heroine also uses charm, guile, and good clothes to catch a man and perhaps find love. Clothing plays an important factor in the game since it helps attract the opposite sex. Sort of like how a bird's bright plumage helps it attract a mate. To this end, a closet of outfits may be perused to find the right clothes for each social outing. Konami is giving away a bonus Tokimeki Deluxe CD with early preorders of the game in 50% ratio.

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