Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Super Mario Bros Hat

Have you ever looked at Mario or Luigi and muttered to yourself, "Man, what I wouldn't give to dress up like a comical plumber" or "Mario is dating way above his station. I aspire to be like Mario."

When breaking down Mario's apparel into pieces, there are four primary components as follows:

1) The dumpy hat
2) The cornpone overalls
3) Brown shoes
4) Mickey Mouse gloves

To help Mario aspirants, Banpresto gives cosplayers one of the four Mario defining pieces of clothing - the dumpy hat in Mario red or Luigi green.

The Mario Hat measures 35cm or 13.77" across which makes it oversized and exaggerated. When wearing it on the street, tilt it rakishly to the side and draw stares as well as quizzical glares. The kind where the person's face looks dumb and dumbfounded at the same time. Pricing is set at US$29 per hat and preorders are scheduled to ship in mid-late April 2007.

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